Here at Mears Roofing we are proud to announce that we are a Certified Green Roofer! We will take the roof above your head and put it beneath your feet! How do we do that exactly? Mears Roofing takes all qualifying materials from your old roof and instead of just throwing them away, we take them to a qualified recycling facility that grinds them down into smaller particles to be used as paving material. Not only can they recycle the shingles but the nails too! On average there is 11 million tons of shingle waste generated every year and we would love to help you, your family, friends, and neighbors lower that number. Mears Roofing couldn't be more thrilled to offer our customers (that’s you!) a chance to upgrade your home in a way that reduces our carbon footprint.
We are here to help to save our planet one roof at a time!